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Siapa Jaga Sultan & Raja?

Sedey dan kecewa, tu la perasaan aku bile tgk berita jam 8.00 mlm td. Kenapa begitu skali jdnye apabila Sultan mengiktiraf BN sbg k'jaan baru negeri Perak. Rakyat merusuh dan tidak setuju dgn keputusan Sultan.

Apahal ar dgn korang² kt Perak tu. Korang sdr pun MELAYU dan beragama ISLAM sama spt Sultan dan Raja² di negara ni. Weihh aku nk tanye korang yg biadap dan kurang ajar kt Perak tu.

Siapa lg yg akan mempertahankan Kedaulatan Kesultanan Melayu??

Dah tentu kita sdr yg perlu mempertahankan Kedaulatan Kesultanan Melayu. Bangsa lain? Jgn haraplah. Dorang tu semua berkepentingan, bole kire dgn jari dlm 5 ke 7 org je yg btol² taat tp yg lain, haram~. Dapat darjat anugerah Datuk time tu je dorg setuju dgn Sultan & Raja kita. Di belakang, mereka kutuk blk.

Cuba pikir kalo kita sdr yg melawan & menentang keputusan Sultan, maka tak mustahil suatu hari nnt Institusi Kesultanan Melayu akan tinggal nama dalam buku sejarah. Jgn lupe !! Jika suatu hari nnt juga Melayu tidak lagi berkuasa sbg pemimpin, tiada kuasa tertinggi dlm negara ni yg akan membela nasib kita nnt.

Fikirkanlah wahai umat² Melayu. Ini tanah kita. Ini negara kita. Kat sinilah juga tempat tumpah darah kita. Di sinilah juga pahlawan² Melayu terulung kecundang menewaskan penjajah bangsat.

Dato Maharaja Lela membunuh JWW Birch (residen pertama Perak) kerana mempertahankan kedaulatan Sultan Perak pd masa itu. Tiada gunenye Dato Maharaja Lela membunuh JWW Birch dahulu jika kita kembali menentang Sultan hari ini.

Si keparat Karpal telah membuat ugutan untuk menyaman Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah dalam isu pelantikan Menteri Besar yang baru. Hah ni mmg haram jadah punye org. Lepas tu ada plak Melayu yg menyokong tindakan Karpal kafir harbi ni. Mmg tak kenang jasa betol.

Wahai pembangkang Melayu negeri Perak, korang di belah mana? Sultan Perak atau Karpal?

So pikir la sedalam² nya wahai rakyat Perak yg baru blaja² nk menderhaka pd Sultan. Jgn ikotkan perasaan geram hari ini. Fikirkanlah utk masa depan kita dan Raja kita.

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  1. Salam Tuan,

    Waktu 1998, saya antara orang yang simpati kepada Anwar. Hari ini saya berasa begitu malu melihat orang-orang yang sebangsa dengan saya dan seagama dengan saya malah melaungkan kalimah-kalimah suci memuji Allah, tetapi menunjukkan akhlak yang paling buruk, mengeji, menghina, mengutuk dan menyerang bangsa sendiri juga.

    Demontrasi? Suara rakyat? Mana peginya orang yg dapat 999 tu? Adun mereka pun majoriti juga, tapi perkudakan orang Melayu, kambing hitamkan Nizar. Orang Melayu dah patut sedar dan nampak, mereka telah dipergunakan dan diperbodohkan oleh orang yang berkepentingan!


  2. Malunya aku sebagai Melayu tengok bangsa sendiri lupa diri semata-mata nak naikkan kaum lain.

  3. Saya ingin megulas post En. Riziqin ini, sejajar dgn prinsip parliamentary democracy. Penekanan akan diberi kpd:
    i) Head of states(HOS)(Sultan) dan Kuasa2 yg diperuntukkan megikut perlembagaan,

    ii) Discretionary Power of HOS,
    iii) Reserve powers of HOS,
    iv) When HOS may dissolve the dissolution of the House,
    v) Nature and scope of executive authority
    vi) appointment and Formation of a government.

    Mengikut Reid Commission, peranan sultan dlm sistem parliamentary democracy tidak kurang tidak lebih sebgai satu simbol spt simbol perpaduan dan kuasa tertinggi dlm negeri baginda, sbg contoh dalam merasmikan persidangan dewan dll. sungguh pun demikian Baginda menjalankan functional role megikut penasihatnya yg jelas skli seorg MB dlm konteks ini. peranan baginda juga sbg wakil spt wakil bagi agama Islam, org Melayu dan sbgnya. It is common that this functional powers given by the constitution has to be excercised on the of the government of the day. Nevertheles there are situations where the HOS may have discretionary powers (of which shall be excercised when the situation permits). Those powers includes the power to appoint a government as well as to refuse a request to dissolve the house. The Royal Highnest right to refuse a dissolution of the House is exampled form the experience of other commonwealth countries. In a parliamentary democracy such as Dewan Negara n Dewan Rakyat, the government can be voted out at any time by motion of censure in the house. Thus the PM has the privillege to set time for the motion. The power of which if unrestricted would override public interest as a whole thus would defeat democracy. Now, that in this situation the role of the YDPA is vital with the light of check and balance doctrine to ensure that whatever the decision made by PM is just and does not contravene the constitution. Public outcry would be another external factors to put forward.

    The constitution however does not justify such power to refuse any request for dissolution. However if we can see form the Reid Commission's report, there are four situations where refusal may be justify. However, I will mention only of those apply in our case in Perak. Historically, this report has its own significant to remedy any loopholes in our Constitution, in most of the case. First situation, when there's an alternative party capable of forming a stable govt. However, withholding of consent to dissolve the house can only be made after elections or in our case, floor-crossings in the house (lompat si Nasa dll lompat). In this situation, with the light from most Commonwealth countries, the HOS must give the alternative party capable of forming a STABLE ( i repeat A STABLE govt) to rule as election is both waste of money and time. none the less HOS must see the request from the collapsing govt in THE INTEREST OF THE NATION AS A WHOLE. To add more, the situation in perak is that it is a win-win situation (28-28) as the three hapraks were removed from the dewan by the respectable Speaker. Either BN n PR has a stable govt and incapable of forming one. Thus the best way to resolve this is by initiating the motion of censure towards election. But neither of this happens in Perak. Doesnt it seems like hijacking the authority whereas is it neither the voice of most Perakians nor their wills.
    This is more embarassing. An Azalina O. should be shamed to say that ''dah org taknak tu sudahlah...'' because as far as this matter concerns, most of tak dgr lagi suara rakyat perak dan siapa serta apa yg mereka mahukan dlm pentadbiran negeri Perak. Siapa yg taknak, BN? Futhermore, 11 month is far too short to scrutinize a govt minus other oppressive factors and tensions being put by the our 52 year old govt towards these countries led by PR. Personally i think, the 52 yr old govt deserves to be scrutinized. Melihatkan negara Malaysia yg mewah (krn neagar yg plg byk mengenakan cukai minus compound and duit 'kopis'), masih byk mslh miskin tegar, yg diisytihar bankrupt, yg dimaipulasi oleh wang dan kuasa serat ketamakan UMNO, rumah pigeon hole yg amat aku saklit mata memandang, sistem pengankutan awam yg daif, perkhidmatan yg terhegeh2, merugikan byk sub-con dgn tunggakan byran sbg cth projek Putrajaya berapa byk sub con rugi stlh duit dipulun main con yg kbykan nya adlh kroni (yg kronik). BPR rasuah, Polis rasuah, kastam rasuah, sistem perudangan dan kehakiman yg dilengah2kan dan campurtgn executive dlm judiciary... itu yg org patut kita scrutize. Byk negara2 lain yg merdeka slps Malaysia tp sudah menjangkau thp socio-ekonomi yg lebih selesa bbnding msia spt Korea sbg contoh. 52 thn spatutnya kita blh jadi setanding Singapora sebuah negara yg kecil tapi gah dlm pelbagai bidang.

    Second situation where HOS may withhold a request to dissolve the house is when it is made by a govt that is facing a motion of no confidence in the house of which it doesnt happen in perak. so, i will not say more.

    EC for example, has ultra vires its law by declaring there is no need for a fresh election. Election is the 'BESTEST' way as both seats are equal (minus Respectable Mr. Speaker and four haprak stooges).

    Only Allah knows, what is the best and it is Him who permits what He wants to happen. Any of my shortcomings is from me and Only Allah Knowesth Best.

    Hijacking a govt is not a new issue, in 1987 for example when UMNO was declared illegal by the court it runs the nation as usual instead should be taken by the govt caretaker in the case of a hung parliament. this time around... they should sing Britney's single "Oops I did it again!". With this dirty game, I'm afraid that UMNO should face the fact that it is facing extinction and I doubt our PM-designate sempat take the mandate from Mr. Lalah. Eh, Lalah pun senyap je takde statement. What's weird most, UMNOians takut pulak bila penyokong PR nak buat solat hajat minta Allah tunjukkan kebenaran. Kenapa nak takut kalau benar? Takut lumpuh mcm mamat yg belasah Anwar dulu ke?

    P/s: org Cina belajar sejarah dan undang2, org melayu tak, jadi sbb tu ader lagi yg menyokong korupsi. tak kira lah UMNO ke PR, kalau dah korup tu kita harus potong tangan dorg. Tapi selagi Pemimpin tertinggi solat 5 waktu dan tahajjud serta tak minum arak n main betina, dan menyelar pengikutnya melaukan yg syirik dan membatalkan iman dan memesongkan akidah, kita wajib hormati, buka lah kitab agama kalau nak tahu lagi.

  4. Hi Reez..

    Aku pun sedey tgk.
    Tambah malu dah la dorang ni balik dr solat jumaat merusuh lagu tu..
    Ramai dah jadi JEBAT skrg ni Reez,menentang sultan






  6. Bapak sapa tu woi yang baring tengah jalan tu ????

    hak hak hak..

  7. aslkm.dunia hari huru hara kerana peraturan manusia mengatasi peraturan tuhan.samada pemerintah atau pembangkang masing2 tak mengikut peraturan tuhan.jadi tak mustahil kalau dunia hari ini huruhara walaupun di negara yang penduduknya ramai beragama islam.kembali pada islam yang sebenar mengikut ajaran rasullah insyAllah negara akan kembali aman makmur sebagaimana janji tuhan.


komen² anda akan dipublish setelah disahkan..

terima kasih daun keladi..
esok² sudi la komen lagi..